Sources of Funding


Granting Agency
Project’s Name
HelpAge International and the German Federal Foreign Office
Community-based health and protection intervention for the most at-risk Syrian refugees and host community members, in particular older people and people with disabilities, in Jordan and Lebanon
The project will provide humanitarian assistance to address critical gaps in healthcare, mental health services and protection (specifically protection from gender-based violence (GBV) services for the most vulnerable groups, in particular people with disabilities and older people, while contributing to building crisis resilience among Syrian refugees and host communities living in urban areas of Jordan (Amman, Irbid and Zarqa governorates) and Lebanon (Beirut and Mount Lebanon).
June 01, 2021
We Stand with Beirut
The project aims at supporting IDRAAC in helping the affected population on both immediate mental health and psychological support interventions after the Beirut port explosion.
November 24, 2020
Asfari Foundation
Go Digital 2020
This project aims at developing the digital capacity of IDRAAC.
November 13, 2020
Helpage Germany
Community-based health and protection intervention for most at risk older people affected by the Beirut port explosion
The project aims at supporting a hotline and walk in clinic to offer MHPSS to older persons affected by the Beirut port explosion.
October 01, 2020
Johnson and Johnson
Psychosocial Support
The project aims at providing psychosocial (including psychological and psychiatric) care to any person and healthcare worker affected by COVID-19 or the August 4, 2020 Beirut explosion.
September 01, 2020
IDRAAC Unrestricted grants & private donations
COVID-19 Preparedness upon Massive Testing and Return to Work at SGHUMC and Effect of Acute Stress on Health-workers at SGHUMC
The main aim of the study is to assess whether the staff of Saint George Hospital University Medical Center felt prepared by the hospital directives were helpful in successive waves and to study the effect of the Beirut Port Blast 2 weeks after exposure.
March 01, 2020
Australian Embassy Direct Aid Program
Addressing the Needs of a Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Group: the Alzheimer Patients.
The project aims at providing training to 20 men from low socio-economic background to become professional home caregivers for Alzheimer patients.
December 01, 2019
European Union-ENI CBC MED
Development of a Transcultural social-ethical-care model for dependent population in Mediterranean basin (TEC-MED)
The project aims at developing an innovative transcultural social-care model aiming at upgrading the daily operations of social enterprises and collaboration with public administrations in the care of elderly at risk of exclusion.
September 01, 2019
Australian Embassy Direct Aid Program
Empowering Women in Lebanon through Vocational Training and Job Creation to Respond to the Needs of Older People
This project aims at training 20 women from low socio-economic background to become professional home caregivers for Alzheimer's patients.
January 15, 2019
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
Empowering Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities to Fight for their Rights: an implementation of the CRPD and Quality Rights principles in Ghana, Lebanon, and Armenia
The project aimed at promoting & supporting the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in Lebanon, Ghana, and Armenia.
January 01, 2019
National Council for Scientific Research
Bullying and Mental Disorders
This project examines the association between bullying and a variety of mental health conditions. It also assesses the types and profiles of bullying and co-occurence of other childhood adversities.
June 08, 2018
National Council for Scientific Research
ADHD and Bipolarity
This project examines the association between Adult ADHD and Bipolarity while assessing profiles of adult Lebanese outpatients with ADHD and their comorbidities
June 08, 2018
The National Institutes of Health
MHealth Monitoring of Acoustic and Behavioral Patterns in Bipolar Disorder Across Arab Cultures
This project uses mobile health technology and data management to engage and monitor individuals with bipolar disorder (BP) in Lebanon and an Arab community in Michigan to determine the common acoustic features of pathological mood states.
September 01, 2017
U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Towards the Human Rights Protection of a Vulnerable Population: The Elderly of Lebanon
This project aimed at drafting a new and tailored law protecting elderly people from discrimination and neglect and raising awareness about their rights.
October 01, 2016
Eli Lilly (Partial Funding)
Towards Improving the Screening of Bipolar Disorders
The study aims at validating the already translated Arabic HCL-32 scale and determining the usefulness of the TEMPS-A in increasing the sensitivity and specificity of self-filled questionnaires in screening for bipolar disorder.
May 01, 2016
French Embassy
Addressing the Needs of the Total Assyrian Community in Lebanon
This project aims at empowering the Assyrian Hosting and Refugee community in Lebanon through providing mental health and psychosocial support to the entire Assyrian community via capacity building of Assyrian volunteers from within the community, and through providing medical and mental health support to the elderly.
November 01, 2015
National Institutes of Health
Biological Pathways of Risk and Resilience in Syrian Refugee Children BIOPATH
This project aims at investigating the biological underpinnings of individual differences in refugee children’s response to acute war-related trauma exposure.
September 01, 2015
European Union
The Elderly Empowerment Project
The aim of this project is to reintegrate the elderly into the community at large by developing a database of opportunities that engage the elderly in the community and increasing public awareness about the social rights and the needs of the elderly.
June 01, 2015
Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Program for Medical Students
This project aimed at assessing and improving the level of awareness of the risks of substance use among medical students at a leading medical school in Lebanon.
January 01, 2015
US Embassy Small Grants Program
Turning Teachers into Educators of Tolerance and Conflict Resolution in Lebanese Schools
The aim of this project was to train public school teachers to deliver coping strategies and resilience building aiming to decrease violence and conflicts among youth students
September 30, 2013
Department of State, the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration/ UNFPA
Wellbeing of Syrian Refugee Families -mainly women and youth- in Lebanon: An Integrated Intervention
The aim of this project was to increase awareness about mental health problem among Syrian refugees, to build the capacity of refugees mothers to decrease physical abuse and violence towards their children and to convert school teacher of Syrian children to become mediators of resilience
February 04, 2013
Alzheimer’s Association
Setting up the infrastructure of early diagnosis of dementia in Lebanon
The aim of this project was to translate and validate into Arabic several internationally used scales to detect dementia, depression and anxiety in order to improve the diagnosis, treatment and wellbeing of individuals affected by dementia.
January 14, 2013
Lundbek (Partial Funding)
Depression, Anxiety and Dementia Assessment (DADA) Study
Depression, Anxiety and Dementia Assessment (DADA) study, which consisted of screening for depression, anxiety and memory disorders among medically sick elderly. Nurses and psychologists were trained to administer scales and interview older adults admitted to a university hospital.
January 01, 2011
America-Mideast Educational & training Services AMIDEAST / USAID
Building Foundations for Detection and Intervention for Development and Mental Problems
A manual was produced by IDRAAC as a guide for all public school teachers on Mental behavioral educational problems and how to deal with them in classroom
January 04, 2010
European Union
Building Resilience Among Lebanese Children Exposed to Armed Conflict: a school based intervention
The project’s aim was to build resilience and coping among children in Lebanon through the education of their teacher and the introduction of these skills in the regular curriculum
December 01, 2009
European Union- Afkar II MED
Alleviating the Burden of Mental Illness in Lebanon: Towards a Mental Health Act
This project’s aim was to assess the burden of mental disorders in Lebanon and to help to reduce it through lobbying for the rights of individuals with mental disorders to seek and receive appropriate treatment and follow-up
July 01, 2007
Fogarty International, NIMH, USA
Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Lebanon L.E.B.A.N.O.N.– World Mental Health Study
The goal was to create a nationally representative data on mental disorders in order to raise awareness about mental illness and to influence health-care policy in the Arab countries
March 31, 2007
Handicap International / ECHO program / European Union
Assessment Study of Psychosocial Status of Children and Adolescents in the South of Lebanon and Southern Suburbs of Beirut After the July 06 War (SSSS)
Psychosocial needs of Lebanese children and adolescents affected by the July 2006 war
March 31, 2007
Oxfam-Quebec / CIDA/ Canadian Fund for social development (CFSD)
Parenting Skills Treatment Program for Mothers of Children with Behavioral Problems
The aim of this project was to increase awareness on behavioral problems among children and train social workers to use appropriate parenting skills to train mothers of children with behavioral problems
May 09, 2006
PTSD and the Lebanon Wars: Criteria and prevalence
The study aimed to assess the impact of the Lebanon wars on the mental health of the Lebanese population
January 01, 1989
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