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7 Years Away From Home

Author: 21 years old, Yemen
Leaving my hometown and moving somewhere else was an experience that definitely impacted me mentally. I first started living alone when I went to study in Amsterdam, then to Spain for an exchange semester. Moving around triggered my ambitions in learning and discovering various cultures, however, the experience came with its downfalls. Adapting, situating, and moving forward were not the easiest aspects of a journey. I surely felt disappointed at times, happiness at others, and neutral in between. Along the way of discovering, change became inevitable, and this is the result of settling in a different community. My sense of belonging got lost. It has been 7 years since I left Yemen, and at one point you realize that you belong to neither of the cultures you once viewed as home, way too open for your own, and way to conservative to the West. To put it simply, confusion is the emotion I sensed at most times. However, because I was aware of the mental status I was experiencing at the time, I pushed myself to view it as a value. To have the privilege to experience such a journey can only enrich my experiences in so many ways. After all, I realized being in between is a quality I seek after.

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