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The Bravest thing I ever did was!!!

Author: 33 years old male, Lebanon
After so many years of struggles and abuse, I finally had the courage to seek help. And doing so was actually one of the good decisions I have made lately.

Growing up surviving emotional, physical and sexual abuse took a lot of my childhood and teenage days. I had to hide everything, my depression, my PTSD struggles, my suicide attempt at the age of 16, even my sexuality.

But since I started attending my intensive sessions and talking about all the pain I kept inside, I started appreciating myself a little more. I started accepting myself regardless my sexual orientation. I started healing slowly.

I know I have long road to fully heal,  but here is a poster design that I have made that my reflect my situation lately.

Yes so far the bravest thing I have done is to stay alive when I wanted to die.

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