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A Message to My Angel

Author: 19 years old female, Lebanon
The death of a loved one marked my childhood, 5 years have passed, but the trauma still persist until this day. They say that time will make you overcome and get rid of all this sadness, but it only makes things worse. You can't get rid of all the memories, neither can you forget the way you received the news.

I was 14 years old, the day I learned that the person I spent all of my childhood with, is no longer here. 5 years till now, trying to play the role of the strong one who's there for her family, trying not to show any emotion, acting like we all forgot, but she's still with us, we can't forget.

The PTSD is common in the majority of our family, panicking and calling every member when we hear the sound of the Red Cross siren.

Time doesn't make you forget or overcome this sadness, it only teaches you how to live with it.

You're forever in our hearts.

- Your childhood friend

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